Start-up Visa Requirements

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Specific Requirements for the Start-up Visa

Alongside the general requirements for entry clearance and leave to remain (Part W3) applicants who wish to obtain a Start-up Visa must also satisfy specific requirements.

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Criteria for Applying for an Endorsement

  1. Applicants applying for a Start-up Visa must be endorsed by an approved endorsing body.
  2. Applicants must supply an endorsement letter from their endorser. This letter must include the following:
  • The name of the endorsing body.
  • The reference number of the endorsing body.
  • The date of issue (this cannot be earlier than three months than the application date).
  • The name of the applicant, their date of birth, their nationality and their passport number.
  • Confirmation that the applicant has not had a business in the UK before. Note: this does not apply if the applicant has successfully obtained leave under a Start-up Visa or a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa.
  • A summary of the proposed business idea and what it will specialise in (i.e. which product or service will the business offer).
  • The business idea meets the endorsement criteria – (i) the business proposed is innovative, viable and scalable and (ii) that the endorser is satisfied that the applicant will spend the majority of their working time on their business.
  • The contact details (name and telephone number) of an individual working for the endorser who can confirm that the details of the endorsing letter are true if the Home Office so requests.


  • It is not mandatory for the applicant to be the sole applicant; they can be part of a team.
  • If the applicant has obtained an endorsement for a previous Start-up Visa or Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa, they do not need to apply for endorsement from the same endorsing body as their previous visa.
  • You cannot satisfy the endorsing requirement if the endorser has revoked their decision to endorse you by the time the application has reached the decision-maker.

How Can NA Law Solicitors Help you Meet the Start-up Requirements?

We will talk you through the requirements in more detail and more specifically, how your situation can help you meet those requirements. We can advise you on obtaining endorsements, including choosing the right endorsing body to sponsor your application.

Contact us today for an initial case assessment to determine your eligibility. In addition, the following information may be of assistance:

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