What constitutes bullying and harassment?
Bullying and harassment in the workplace is behaviour that intimidates or offends someone; although bullying is not unlawful, harassment is illegal under the Equality Act 2010. Bullying or harassing behaviour can include (but is not limited to):
- Spreading malicious rumours
- Unfair or unreasonable treatment
- Regularly undermining or picking on someone
- Refusing someone’s training or promotion opportunities
- Other actions that make someone feel singled out on purpose
Behaviours such as the ones listed above do not have to occur on the working premises or in person in order to claim against; bullying and harassment can happen over email, phone or through letters.
If an employee is bullied or harassed, they should attempt to resolve the problem informally or by speaking to their manager, human resources department or trade union representative. If the issue is not resolved, they can make a formal grievance complaint.
If filing a grievance complaint and following the grievance procedure does not work and the employee is still being harassed, they can take legal action at an employment tribunal. Alternatively, they could contact Acas for advice.
How can NA Law help?
With specialist employment law advice we can help you guide you through the entire procedure whilst informing you of all legal options available to you. Whether you are an employer dealing with a bullying and harassment complaint or employee seeking to file one, NA Law can help you mediate through even the most complex issues in the workplace.